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Thigh Lift

Achieve Thinner, Firmer Thighs

Diet, exercise, and even weight training sometimes are not enough to get you trim and toned thighs. Once the skin in that area has lost elasticity, there is little you can do on your own to correct it. When weight fluctuation, age, or genetics leave you with saggy thighs, a surgical thigh lift may be the right choice. By reducing excess skin and fat from the area, a thigh lift can trim, slim, and lift your thighs to a much more smooth, even, and downright sexy contour.

How do you know if you require a thigh lift procedure? A thigh lift can make a marked difference in the contour of your thighs, but it is an extensive surgical procedure and a commitment to a healthy lifestyle and maintaining stable weight are important to preserve your results. Some reasons to consider a thigh lift include:

  • If you have undergone a significant weight loss
  • If you want your thighs to have better proportion and contour
  • If you are bothered by loose or flabby skin on your thighs
  • If you are unable to fit comfortably into your clothes due to bulging thighs
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Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ross Bunch uses modern, cutting-edge surgical techniques to remove saggy skin and excess fat deposits from the thigh area to deliver tightened and well-contoured thighs and flanks. At Plastic Surgery of Tuscaloosa in Tuscaloosa, AL, Dr. Bunch and his highly trained staff know the success of every procedure lies in communication with you, the patient. During your consultation, Dr. Bunch will listen carefully to your needs, review your medical history, and perform a physical evaluation before designing the treatment plan that is best suited for you. His primary goal is to deliver surgical results that help you achieve the tighter, more sculpted thighs you have not been able to attain with anything else.

What Are My Thigh Lift Options?

Which thigh lift procedure is right for you depends highly on your unique anatomy, medical history, and specific concerns. Customizing your surgical plan based on your body type and aesthetic goals is the best way to get optimal results. There are two different types of thigh lift procedures that can be performed on their own or in combination with other body contouring procedures:

  • Medial thigh lift: A medial thigh lift is utilized to address excess skin and fatty tissue on the inner thigh. Incisions are made in the groin area and may need to extend down the inner portion of the thigh if there is a substantial amount of loose skin.
  • Lateral thigh lift: The lateral thigh lift address the outer portion of the thigh. The incisions are also made in the groin for this procedure, but then are extended around the hip to the buttock fold. This procedure is more involved than a medial thigh lift, but every effort is made to make incisions in inconspicuous locations so as to be easily camouflaged.

Your thigh lift procedure will be done under general anesthesia on an outpatient basis. Patients generally take 1-2 weeks to recover from surgery. Though swelling and bruising are par for the course following your surgery, your new thigh contour will be evident immediately. Dr. Bunch and our staff will follow you closely in the post-operative period to ensure your safety and comfort, and to help you achieve the optional results you are looking for.

See What Our Patients Are Saying…

"Dr. Bunch and every member of his staff is great. I have enjoyed every visit and satisfied with the results of my surgeries. He makes sure you are not in severe pain and that he gets you healed fast so you can be back to yourself in no time. Very firm doctor when it comes to you understanding the importance of the healing process. Highly recommend him to anyone."

- HW

Contact Plastic Surgery of Tuscaloosa

At Plastic Surgery of Tuscaloosa in Tuscaloosa, AL, Dr. Ross Bunch and his professional staff stand out as a practice offering the most advanced cosmetic and reconstructive procedures in the industry.  We are well-established in the community and have a reputation for high quality patient care and excellent customer service.  Dr. Bunch is a Board Certified Plastic Surgery who has received extensive training in microsurgery, facial and rhinoplasty surgery, and endoscopic surgery techniques and brings a specialized skill and artistry to every procedure he performs.  Our mission is to restore form, function, and beauty to all aspects of your body.

If you are interested in learning more about thigh lift surgery or any other body contouring procedures, please call our office at  205.349.0049 or click here to send us an email contact form. We look forward to speaking with you and to scheduling your consultation with Dr. Bunch!

Contact Plastic Surgery of Tuscaloosa

At Plastic Surgery of Tuscaloosa in Tuscaloosa, AL, Dr. Ross Bunch and his professional staff stand out as a practice offering the most advanced cosmetic and reconstructive procedures in the industry. We are well-established in the community and have a reputation for high-quality patient care and excellent customer service. Dr. Bunch is a Board Certified Plastic Surgery who has received extensive training in microsurgery, facial and rhinoplasty surgery, and endoscopic surgical techniques and brings a specialized skill and artistry to every procedure he performs. Our mission is to restore form, function, and beauty to all aspects of your body.

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